Trust In the Lord and Do Good

He was 90% sure he was following God’s plan for his life. But what about the other ten percent?

Gabriel is a young man who is passionate about serving God. He started praying about where God would lead him next, and after much prayer and consideration, he decided to go to Andrews University to study theology. He had some financial barriers that could keep him from going, but as he moved forward, those barriers disappeared.

All the signs seemed to be pointing to Andrews, but he was still only 90% sure that this was God’s plan. So, he gave the other 10% to God, to either confirm his choice at GYC 2019, or convict him to choose something else.

When he got to GYC, he was surprised when asked by a long-term friend, who works for Jesus for Asia, if he was sure he wanted to go to school. He began to wonder, is this really what God wants?

He began to wonder, is this really what God wants?

Throughout GYC, the messages seemed to be confirming his decision to go to Andrews. He was almost certain he would be loading up his belongings and driving to Michigan Sunday morning.

On Saturday night, Israel Ramos, GYC’s founder, gave the final charge.

He spoke of how we often think that we need to do something great, or that we need to have something substantial to give before coming to Christ with everything.

“Strive for that which is good,” Israel Ramos said. “That which is good is giving everything we have to God at the right time, and that time is now. A good work is better than a great one. “

Israel’s message struck Gabriel’s heart, and he knew that that was what God was asking him to do. To give up his education, something great, for something good.

The next day, Gabriel headed out, not to Michigan, but to Tennessee and the home of Jesus for Asia. He met with Jon Wood and members of the JFA team to find out how he could get involved in bringing the Gospel to some of the world's least-reached countries.

Through God's leading, Gabriel was able to join the JFA team in Erode, where we held evangelistic meetings for ten local churches. He was also able to visit several JFA projects and participate in a second evangelistic effort in a town several hours away. From there he traveled to Thailand, where he has been doing research for the Visionary Internship Program (VIP 2020) a missions training trip we are sponsoring this summer! 

If you would like to follow Gabriel's travels through Asia and learn more about the Visionary Internship Program, visit @viptrip2020 on Facebook andInstagram!


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