God is Bigger... A short Bible Worker Story


Bhartiben grew up as a Hindu. He practiced idol worship and sacrificial rituals in an attempt to please the gods. But even after giving a great deal to these sacrifices, Bhartiben still couldn’t find peace in his life. When his two children were young, Bhartiben was unable to provide them with a higher education because many family responsibilities prevented him from putting either time or money towards their education.

Bhartiben faced these social and financial challenges while also dealing with numerous health issues within his family. All of these challenges made Bhartiben feel like he and his family had been cursed by black magic.

One day, Bhartiben heard about Hinaben, a JFA Bible worker, and he invited Hinaben over to his home. Hinaben prayed and opened the scriptures with Bhartiben and his family. She told Bhartiben that God is bigger than any black magic, and she urged him to repent, to ask for forgiveness from his sins, and to accept Jesus as his personal Savior and Friend.

She continued to visit Bhartiben and to give him Bible studies, and he began to feel God’s presence and peace in his life. Bhartiben and his family accepted the Christian faith and Jesus as their personal Savior, and now, they are reading the New Testament regularly. Bhartiben asks for prayers for himself and his family as they continue to grow in their walk with God.

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