More Laborers for His Harvest


A woman from the state of Sikkim, India 1.

Matthew 9:38: "Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest," is one of our constant prayers here at Jesus for Asia. Today, we are excited to share one of the ways God is answering this prayer.A few months ago, we received a request from Moses Lugun, President of the North Bengal Section asking if we could sponsor Bible Workers to serve in Sikkim and northern West Bengal. We already have fifteen Bible Workers in West Bengal, but these Bible Workers would be working in completely new territories. 


Gangtok, Sikkim's capital city


A tea plantation in Darjeeling


A northern Bengali woman in traditional dress

Sikkim is the second-smallest state in India. It is bordered on three sides by Nepal, China, and Bhutan, and is home to India’s tallest mountain, Kangchenjunga (also the third highest mountain in the world). The North Bengal Section shared with us that most people in Sikkim speak Nepali, but people also speak Hindi, Tibetan, Chinese, and some local languages. Like much of India, Hinduism is the most prominent religion, but nearly 30% of Sikkim's residents are Buddhist. Many of the state's most famous landmarks are buddhist temples and monasteries.

Northern West Bengal is well known for its tea production. Tea grown around the city of Darjeeling is world famous and highly sought after. Like Sikkim, the North Bengal Section shared, most people in this area speak Nepali, even though Bengali is the official language of the state. Hinduism is practiced by 74% of people in this area with small numbers of Buddhists, Christians, and Muslims.

Most of the people in these mountainous regions have never had the chance to learn about Jesus. Until now, they have not had any regular, permanent mission workers to teach them, said Pr. Tamsang, Special Ministries and Global Mission Director of Northern India Union, New Delhi. 

But now they will! We have approved 20 new Bible Workers to serve in 15 locations throughout Sikkim and northern West Bengal. Faithful believers who know the local languages have been selected and are preparing to enter their new posts!

Since these Bible Workers are new, the North Bengal section is planning to hold a week long training session to prepare them for their work and strengthen them spiritually. The section's 15 current Bible Workers will be attending as well.

We would like to invite you to join us in praying for these new Bible Workers as they begin their work. As always, when witnessing in a new area, they are sure to face many trials, but through prayer and faith God will do great things through them.

Please also pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the people so they may be ready to hear the Gospel message when the Bible Workers come. 

If you would like to support the ministry of Bible Workers like these, please click the button below. The cost is $90/month per Bible Worker. 

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You can hear testimonies from some of our current Bible Workers in West Bengal on this recent episode of Mission Snapshot!


The New Missionary Van


God is Bigger... A short Bible Worker Story