A New Missionary!


We are excited to introduce you to Hailey Chalfant, a young future missionary who is praying to help Lisa Sharon in her clinic once travel opens up into Thailand! Hailey first learned about Thailand from a high school friend who had traveled there and fallen in love with its culture and people. God then planted a seed in Hailey’s heart with the desire to minister to this country that so greatly needs to know Jesus. With international travel growing harder, due to COVID-19 restrictions, Hailey decided she didn’t want to wait to serve God until all the doors to share the Gospel in other countries were closed. “We can see that we need to move quickly to finish the work,” Hailey shared. Since she is in a position where she can leave on short notice, now seemed even more like the perfect time to enter the mission field.

“God has done so much for me,” Hailey said. “It’s about time I do something for Him too. When I’m able to get through the border, I have no idea if I’ll even be able to come back or not. It’s a scary thought, but I want to follow God’s leading wherever that is, and I know I will be in His care...I’m waiting and watching for the door to open and as soon as it does, I’ll be headed to Thailand!"

Please keep Hailey in your prayers as she prepares to embark on this new journey of faith. Thailand is not currently issuing any visas for U.S. citizens, so she does not know when she will be able to leave. Please also pray for God to provide the finances she needs to travel to and serve in Thailand, especially with the added cost of quarantine and other COVID-19 related requirements. 

If the Lord is leading you to help Hailey get to Thailand, please click the button below.

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