God's Communication System


The Sharon family last year at their adopted daughter Marybeth's wedding

By Lisa SharonThis past week started out a little bit rough. I noticed while washing dishes one day that my water was diminishing rapidly. The cows had been in the upper field again, so it was not too surprising that, just like before, they had knocked my water pipe apart, so that the water was spilling on the ground instead of into our water tanks. That type of thing happens almost every time the cows go up there.Thus began a two or three day ordeal of trying to fix the water problem. Jason [Lisa's son] is the one who put in the water system, and none of the rest of us really knew how it worked. I tried to call Jason to get his expert advice, but he is just as hard to get ahold of on the phone as we are due to his spotty cell phone service. So, I did what I normally do, I prayed for God to send Jason to help us fix the water.The very next morning, I was sitting in the dirt trying to help Roy get the water running, when Jason walked up to me.“Hi Mom!” He said, “Having some water problems?”Within an hour, he had the water fixed for us. I just think that God’s communication system is spectacular!Jason had not planned to come again this week, but the aunty that has breast cancer [from the village where he and his family are serving] really needed more help. Since they don’t have things set up for her treatments in Jason’s village yet, he needed to bring them to me that morning.Jason and his wife Shoshana reported going to visit the other lady with cancer that we helped a few weeks ago, and she has been able to hike and work in the fields! She had not been able to do that for the past three years! The people in her village are just amazed at her rapid recovery. Now, that village is open for Jason and Shoshana to work in also. It is completely humbling to have any part in this work, because it is obvious that it has nothing to do with our efforts, but everything to do with God’s healing power. We are just here and get to see it happen, which is really exciting!This story is an excerpt from the Sharon Family Newsletter. If you are interested in being added to the Sharon family's email list, click here.If you would like to learn more about their ministry or support their work in the jungles of Thailand, click the button below. 

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