Breaking Ground for Thailand Studio/ Driving Down Slippery Slopes


After many years of waiting and praying, we have finally started to clear and level the land for our new Love for Asia studio and office in Thailand! This is the same land where the Lam Yai fruit tree miracle happened!Media is an effective way to share the Gospel because it gives people the chance to learn about God's love in their own homes and in their own time. Unfortunately, SDA media in Thai, as well as local tribal languages, is hard to come by. The Love for Asia team has been filming church services, health seminars, and evangelistic series around Thailand for several years, with the help of their production vehicle, but they don't have the space to produce their own programs. The new studio will allow the Love for Asia team to start filming new material on a wider variety of topics than they have been able to previously. The programs will be produced in the Thai language, as well as Hmong and Karen, and will provide much needed opportunities to get the Gospel into the hands of more people in Thailand!We are still working on the building plans, but we will share updates as we receive them. Please keep this project and the people of Thailand in your prayers! if you would like to contribute to this project, please click the button below. 

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Driving Down Slippery Slopes

Missionary Gayle Haberkam and Bhlet Jaw, Gayle's translator and partner in ministry, serve the Karen people in the mountains of Thailand.

Gayle and Blet Jaw often travel down the mountain to get supplies or take villagers to the hospital, but this becomes quite a challenge during rainy season when the mostly-dirt roads turn to pools of thick, gooey mud! Take a look at the videos below to see what it's like!

Click here to learn more about Gayle's ministry in Thailand.


Rainy season here in BYT has continued so much longer than usual. Rain for us is not just a miserable cloudy day, it throws us into real danger every day. So proud of BletJhaw, his skill, his perseverance, and his courage! -- Gayle Haberkam


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A New Heart for Dinesh: A Bible Worker Story