Join Our Prayer Team!


Prayer brings us close to God; it enables Him to work in our hearts, and it “moves the arm of omnipotence. Prayer has 'subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire' --we shall know what it means when we hear the reports of the martyrs who died for their faith-- 'turneth to flight the armies of the aliens.' Heb. 11:33, 34." -- Christ’s Object Lessons 172.4

Each month our Bible Workers send us hundreds of prayer requests. In these requests, they share many of the challenges they face in ministry, and the burdens on the hearts of those whom they serve. These include persecution, disease, financial hardships, family problems, and even unrest in some areas. 

We also receive many prayer requests from our missionaries and donors for ministry as well as personal and family needs.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James: 5:16

As we see the events of the world pointing to the soon coming of Jesus, we recognize more than ever the need for prayer. We know that victories are won on our knees. We are looking for like-minded, committed individuals who will join us in lifting up these requests.

If you would like to connect more deeply with the work our Bible Workers, Missionaries, teachers, and media teams are doing, and are willing to dedicate time to bring their requests before the Lord, we invite you to join our prayer team. As part of the prayer team you will: 

  • receive a list of prayer requests from our Bible Workers each month, as well requests from other JFA projects and our donors (the donor requests are shared anonymously to protect the privacy of the person sending in the requests).

  • receive updates and praise reports as we receive them!

  • be a part of a monthly zoom call with JFA staff and other prayer team members. During these calls you will have the opportunity to hear updates from one of our missionaries and pray for their project and other Jesus For Asia prayer requests.

If you would like to learn more about joining the JFA Prayer team, Please send us an email at 


The God Who Hears Us


Breaking Ground for Thailand Studio/ Driving Down Slippery Slopes