The God Who Hears Us


“And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.” 1 John 5:14-15The Word of God contains all sorts of stories of prayer. From the great patriarchs’ prayers that received miraculous answers, to the humble prayers of praise to God, the Bible of is filled with stories of prayer for our benefit. Recently, we received some wonderful stories of answered prayers. These stories touched our hearts and encouraged us by reminding us that God is always listening and knows our every need.

Joy's Story

In the village where Joy works, she met a lady called Mrs. Durga. Her husband, Mr Ravichandran, is a drunk. He works, but he never gives the money he earns to his wife to take care of the family. He never does anything to take care of his wife and children. She visited Mrs. Durga often, and each time, she asked Joy to pray for her husband.

One particular day, Mr. Ravichandran, who, as usual, had drunk a lot, beat his wife until she became unconscious. The next morning, their oldest son, who is in third grade, rebuked his father. “Hereafter, if you drink any more alcohol and beat Mummy, I will not stay at home. I will go somewhere else, or I will die! What would have happened to our family if my mother had died yesterday?” God spoke to Mr. Ravichandran through his son’s words, and he immediately made a decision to stop consuming alcohol. God answered their prayers! Almost two months have passed and Mr. Ravichandran has completely stopped drinking. Now his wife and children are living happily with him. Praise God!

Rachel's Story

Nisha is 35 years old, and is married with two children. She was brought up in a traditional Hindu family, and her father is a priest in a Hindu temple. One day, Nisha met Sister Rachel who prayed for her family and advised her to attend church and bring her children.

Nisha did not have a house of her own, so Sister Rachel prayed continuously for that too, and now, God has helped Nisha and her husband build their own house. Now, she and her two children are ready to take their baptismal vows and join the Adventist church. Two local church leaders came to Nisha's house and prayed for her family and their financial difficulties, and those too were solved by the Lord! The region’s treasurer also came to their home and prayed for them. Now, Nisha and her family are worshipping Jesus Christ every Sabbath. Please pray for Nisha and her family.

Please keep Mrs. Durga and Nisha's families in your prayers as they continue to learn more about the love of God! Pray that they will grow in faith and have unity in their families. 

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Delivered from Demons – A Bible Worker Story


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