Delivered from Demons – A Bible Worker Story


*Image is representative.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 

God doesn’t want us to worry. Instead, He tells us to go to Him with all our troubles, and He promises to give us peace. One of our Bible Workers in India recently shared her testimony with us, and it reminded us of God’s promise in Philippians. We praise God for the beautiful testimonies that inspire us to go to God with our anxieties!

Annu’s Testimony: 

I thank and praise God, for he chose me. He forgave my sins, and Jesus gave me a new life! 

I come from a Hindu family. In my family, no one chose Jesus, but Jesus chose my mother, and He used her to bring me to the gospel. My mother has always been very religious. She used to celebrate all of the Hindu festivals, worshipping and decorating the idols, performing rituals with all of her heart. Even when her health was poor she did not stop, but traveled to many far-off temples to worship idols. 

At one point, my mother was admitted into the hospital. I was very anxious for her. When my neighbor, Shakuntala, found out about my mother, she told me about Jesus. No doctor or god could save my mother, she said. Only Jesus could. Shakuntala also invited us to church. My mother and I accepted her invitation, and when we went to the church, we felt so relaxed. It was like we were in a completely different world. After we went to church, we both began praying every day.

Jesus is the true, living God and through Him we live. 

After some time, my father found out that we were attending church, and he was not happy about it. He told us no God would help us, and he told us not to go to church anymore. My mother and I prayed for God's help, and we managed to sneak out and reach the church.

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During the morning prayer, my mother began rolling on the ground and howling loudly. There was a devil inside her. There were no candles, no photos, no idols, but the prayers alone were troubling the devil. Then, the speaker began to preach from the Bible. As he spoke about Jesus’ crucifixion and His resurrection on the third day, my mother grew calm. I realized through this experience that the religion my family had been following was all wrong. Jesus is the true, living God, and through Him we live. Once I realized the importance of Jesus in my life, I accepted Him as my personal Savior.

When we came home from church, we realized that my father knew we had gone to church, but he didn’t say a word to us. We continued to attend church each week and my mother recovered from her illness.

Later, when it came time for me to be married, my father wanted me to marry into a Hindu family; however, I wanted to marry a Christian. I fasted and prayed for three days, and on the fourth day, my father agreed to let me marry a Christian. I later married a Christian pastor.

This is how the Lord has worked wonderfully in my life. I received answers from God for all of my problems, and since then, my husband and I have been working and spreading the Word of God for Him!

Please keep Annu and our other Bible Workers in prayers as they share the Word of God and their own testimonies with their people.

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Stepping Out in Faith: Papers Signed for Children's Home Property in Sukhothai, Thailand!


The God Who Hears Us