Praise Report: Goal Reached for Tawi Tawi Vehicle


Praise God! We have reached our goal to purchase a 4-wheel drive vehicle for our Tawi Tawi Bible Workers. This is a tremendous blessing for their work as they seek to reach villages deep in the mountains where less powerful vehicles often have difficulty traveling.

Previously, the Bible Workers have had to travel by motorcycle, which is not good for transporting many people or supplies, or they had to use the mission's only large 2-wheel drive vehicle, and risk getting stuck every time it rained.


With this new vehicle they will be able to bring groups to serve together, medical supplies for clinics, and more.

Please continue to pray for the work these Bible Workers are doing. The people of these mountain villages have been receptive to the Gospel. Please pray that their faith in God will deepen as they learn more about Him.

If you would like to support these Bible Workers in their service, please click the button below.


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