Moving Forward in Manipur: Manipur School Construction Update


The overcrowded dorms in the Manipur School are growing closer to becoming a little less crowded.

A few weeks ago we shared a need for new dormitories and classrooms for an SDA school in Manipur, India. The current dorms are filled to their absolute limit, with children sleeping two to a bunk. We felt a burden to help them create new dorm space to create more space for current and future dorm students.


We were able to send some funds to the school leaders before the bank account issues in India began, and the construction workers have started working on the building. Along with the construction workers, the students are assisting in the building project as part of the school’s work study program.

Students breaking stone into gravel for the building projectStudents breaking stone into gravel for the building project

Students breaking stone into gravel for the building project

A lunch break for the school's 60+ dorm residentsA lunch break for the school's 60+ dorm residents

A lunch break for the school's 60+ dorm residents

Currently the school has over 60 boarding students and nearly 200 day students. Many more want to come, but the current school buildings are at full capacity. God willing, once the new school building is finished, the Manipur school will be able to admit up to 1000 students. This school is the only SDA school for many miles and it is a helpful witnessing tool for the 22 nearby villages.

Cutting planks for more bunk bedsCutting planks for more bunk beds

Cutting planks for more bunk beds

Making progress on the beam workMaking progress on the beam work

Making progress on the beam work

The new classroom building will eventually be five stories tall with six 600 sq. ft. classrooms on each floor. The dormitories will be completed first, and the rest of the building will be completed as God provides the funds.

Once the classrooms are all finished, the dormitories will be moved to the old classroom buildings. These older buildings will also be used for staff housing and a dedicated kitchen space, which the school does not currently have.

Because of rising material costs in India, each floor will cost around $40,000 USD to build. Right now, we have raised just over $40,000, enough to finish the entire first floor!

Please pray for the Manipur School and its students, for the builders, and for the nearby villagers. Please pray this project will be completed well and in God’s timing. Please pray for God to provide the necessary funds to finish building this new school building.


Selvi’s Silent Prayer


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