Mission Stories
Read the latest news and updates from Jesus for Asia projects, as well as miracle stories and testimonies from across Asia!
Fuel for Revival: FaithCamp Winter Blessings
Our team spent dozens of hours in meetings to plan for our winter FaithCamps this year. A lot of the time, we felt like we were getting nowhere. We would meet…
JFA Headquarters: New Office/Studio/Meeting Room
God is on the move, and He is calling Jesus for Asia to increase its mission reach, both in the number of projects as well as in new territories. To follow that call, we need to…
Peace in the ... Storm?
On Thursday, March 25, the forecast showed thunderstorms all day, and a quick look outside at the dark clouds seemed to confirm the...
Glimpses of Jesus: Filming Begins March 21!
Filming begins Sunday, March 21, for our newest project! Glimpses of Jesus will be a 13-episode TV series taking a deeper look at the character of Christ through immersive story telling. In order for Christ to transform us into His character, we need to have a clear...
Two Sides of the Same Miracle
The team was working late finishing a project when the phone rang. It was after hours, but I answered the phone anyway. George*, one of our donors, was calling. Earlier in the week George had given a significant donation to the Chembur...