Celebrating 20 Years of God’s Faithfulness in 2025

By God’s grace, Jesus for Asia is turning 20 years old in 2025!

We are amazed at the ministries that have grown and the lives that have been transformed by the power of the Gospel in the last 20 years.

Jesus for Asia started with a desire to work for God and His providential leading to support Bible Workers and humanitarian work in India following the catastrophic 2004 tsunami. Since then, the ministry has grown to support more than 800 Bible Workers, 15+ missionary families, broadcasting, publishing, education projects, and more to reach the unreached in nine countries.

We want to testify and praise God for His marvelous work in Asia and how He can use anyone to do His work. Around 60% of the world’s population and over 90% of the world’s unreached people groups live in Asia. What Jesus for Asia is doing is just a drop in the bucket of the need for the Gospel in Asia. However, it demonstrates 1: that God is still living, working, and drawing people to Himself, and 2: that He is preparing His church for His soon coming as they participate in the great commission through prayers, gifts, and personal mission service.

This year, in addition to current missions stories and updates, we will look back over the last 20 years to share JFA’s history and testimonies of God’s faithfulness.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, which have helped make all this possible. Please continue to keep Jesus for Asia and the world’s unreached people in your prayers. Let us press forward to the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 and our precious Savior’s return. May we and the people of Asia be prepared for His coming.

If God is inspiring you to support His work in Asia through giving, please click the button below. 


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