
Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country known for its ancient temples, lush jungles, and tragic recent history. Although Cambodia has recovered in many ways from the devastation of the Khmer Rouge, the people still face economic, physical, and spiritual needs. The majority of Cambodians are Buddhists. Around 3.2% of Cambodia’s 17 million people are Christian, and less than 0.1% are Seventh-day Adventists. A great need exists to both reach out to the Cambodian people and teach Cambodian Adventists to share Jesus with others.

  • Where Needed Most

    Your donation will go to where the need is greatest at the time, as well as enabling Jesus for Asia to continue to provide support for all its projects. By giving to "Where Needed Most," you make sure no project gets left behind.

  • Audio Bibles

    We all know what a blessing the Bible is for those who can read God’s Word. But what about all those who never learned to read or are blind? How can they be built up in the faith? The answer lies in today’s technology. Cheap MP3 players with audio Bible recordings in local languages do more to build up the church in poor places than almost anything!

  • Bible Workers: Cambodia

    More than 95% of Cambodia’s almost 17 million people have not had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. The majority of Cambodians are Buddhists with ties to animism.

  • Bible Worker Training

    Many of our Bible Workers have a strong heart for Jesus and a desire to serve Him but need Bible training. With so few pastors in the work force compared to the number of people that need nurturing these simple but wonderful workers are often…

  • Bibles and Literature for Asia

    Asia is where the least reached peoples of the world are living. Many do not have access to the Gospel. There is no Christian bookstore on the corner, and there are no Bibles in the local stores. This fund allows Bible workers in various countries to give Bibles to baptismal candidates so they can read the Word in their own language.

  • Bicycles for Bible Workers

    Many of our Bible Workers, especially in the North, find transportation extremely difficult due to the high cost and irregular public transportation in the rural districts. Each bicycle costs approximately $100.

  • Butterfly Paradise

    Butterfly Paradise is located in Siem Reap, Cambodia, near one of Asia’s most–visited tourist attractions. God gave Tim Maddocks a vision to build a butterfly aviary to stand as a compelling witness to the millions of tourists that come to Siem Reap from countries all around the world each year.

  • Cambodia Boarding Academy

    Imagine having to choose between finishing High School and following Jesus. This is a problem many young Cambodian Adventists face. We are partnering with the Cambodia Adventist mission to build a school…

  • Cambodia Teacher Training

    We are building a boarding academy in Cambodia to give young people the opportunity to get a quality education in a Christ-centered environment. Cambodia does not have enough Adventist teachers, so we are training our own!

  • Church Buildings

    Churches are a powerful evangelistic tool. If new believers in Asia have no church in their area, they sometimes give up and scatter. Building churches can help establish the work our Bible Workers have

  • Health & Life

    This project is working to bring a knowledge of health and healthy living to a people group who have very little access to this kind of life giving information.

  • Humanitarian

    Jesus exemplified reaching out to those in need. Through this fund, Jesus for Asia seeks to follow His example. Gifts will be used for disaster relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects.

  • iEAT

    The Institute of East Asia Training, with Eugene and Heidi Prewitt, serves budding missionaries from the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, and Malaysia. These young people are trained in the arts of winning hearts, selling books, teaching doctrines, planting congregations, and reaching unreached groups. Extensions of the iEAT program that serve in Indonesia are listed as a separate project.

  • iEAT.ex

    The Institute of East Asia Training Extension equips and develops self-supporting missionaries for South East Asian countries. Here, they are trained to reach people through teaching, preaching, and holistic healing.

  • Invest in Jesus for Asia

    When you “Invest in Jesus for Asia,” you support the many projects listed here, and also allow us to move into new strategic projects as the opportunities present themselves. Giving here lets us continue to honor our promise that 100% of funds donated to our missionaries, Bible Workers, or other projects goes directly there. Thank you for your investment!

  • Life-changing Stories

    One of the greatest needs in sharing the gospel is training our workers to have a deeper understanding of present truth and to develop an Adventist healthy lifestyle. Armani* and Ariana* are gifted trainers with a well-developed, systematic curriculum for a 4-month program. They hope to utilize this project in many different places throughout Asia.

  • Light Asia Publishing

    The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.

  • Light for Asia Project

    Jason Raney has been doing evangelistic outreach, seminars and training programs for pastors and Bible workers in various countries as well as other projects as the Lord leads.

  • Mission Project - Charlene Opperman

    Charlene is teaching at the Adventist International School Siem Reap in Cambodia with Tim and Wendy Maddocks of SALT Ministries and volunteering at Butterfly Paradise.

  • Mission Project - Rosa Fernandez

    Rosa will be helping Tim and Wendy Maddocks at the Adventist International School Siem Reap in Cambodia.

  • Projectors for Evangelism

    Projectors are a huge advantage in sharing the Gospel. Especially in places with no television (yes, there are still places like that). We get many requests for this tool for holding evangelistic series and winning people to Christ.

  • SALT Cambodia

    Working in conjunction with the Cambodia Adventist Mission and other Seventh-day Adventist supporting ministries, SALT Ministries in Cambodia operates with the purpose of advancing God’s work on Cambodian soil…

  • Sangkem Health

    Rob and Julie Peterson, with their son Josiah, are preparing to move to Siem Reap, Cambodia to start a lifestyle center in the beautiful countryside outside of town.

  • SUD Mission Projects

    We have a dream to have several small “Lifestyle Community Centers” in every large city in India. These centers will be places where people can come to mingle, learn, and be inspired and discipled for Jesus. Another mission project is to train “Lifestyle Coaches” to lead the ministry in these Community Lifestyle Centers.

  • Unreached People Seed Fund

    So many groups of people in Asia have not even heard the name of Jesus. Gifts to this fund will allow Jesus for Asia to start new projects in areas where there are no believers.

  • Water Well Drilling

    Give the Water of Life by providing physical water to needy villages in Asia! AS WATER TO THE THIRSTY…

  • Worthy Student Fund

    One of the most effective long-term mission strategies is to invest in the Adventist education of our young people, many of whom are the first generation in the church and have no Adventist background. An Adventist education will give them that daily experience with other Christians.

  • Cambodian Bible Workers

    Cambodia is home to over 16 million people, less than 2% are Christian and the Adventist Church has about 3,000 active church members. There is great need for Bible workers.

  • Butterfly Paradise

    Wat Preah Yesu (Tim and Wendy Maddocks) is located in one of the most touristed spots in Asia. God gave Tim a vision to build the Butterfly Aviary to stand as a compelling witness to the tourists that come from many countries…

  • Cambodia Boarding Academy

    Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, with only 3,000 active Seventh-day Adventists in the country of 18 million people. Many of our young people in the Cambodian Adventist church do not have the option…

  • Cambodia Teacher Training

    We are building a high quality boarding academy in Cambodia. However, there is no one qualified to be the teachers in this school. And the colleges in Cambodia do not allow for Sabbath observance.

  • SALT

    Working in conjunction with the Cambodia Adventist Mission and other Seventh-day Adventist supporting ministries, SALT Ministries in Cambodia operates with the purpose of advancing God’s work on Cambodian soil…

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Missions for Asia

Discover the many mission projects that are going on in various parts of Asia right now and find out where you can help.

Donate to Jesus for Asia to reach the ministries that are in the greatest need